Dog harness is an interesting alternative to a dog’s collar. More and more dog owners are choosing them. Not all dogs are happy to wear a collar, and some dog lovers think that the harness is definitely a more convenient, more comfortable solution for their pets. What’s more, this accessory does not burden the neck so much. Learn how to choose the right dog harness model and how to put it on!
Dog harness and collar
Why are dog braces more and more often replacing the classic collar? They are usually more often worn by animals. The pressure of the harness spreads over several places, thanks to which the dog does not feel the load – unlike the collar, which primarily loads one place. As with all other pet accessories, manufacturers are outdoing the market launch of increasingly innovative and functional dog harnesses.
How to match a dog harness
Facing the dilemma of how to match dog harness, it is worth first to familiarize yourself with their types. There are four main types of dog harness on the market:
- walking – this is the most popular and cheapest type of dog harness. If you’re wondering how to adjust your dog’s harness, when you decide on this type, you don’t have to worry – walking models are available in many sizes, so their fit to the dog’s dimensions is not a problem.
- sports – more durable and more durable than classic walking braces. Sports models are made of solid materials that protect the dog from chafing that could occur during running or under load. How to match a sports harness? It is worth suggesting their purpose. In the case of sports braces we can distinguish their additional division into running, harness, with load braces, etc.
- professional – dedicated to helpers dogs. Harnesses for tracking dogs or guide dogs can be included in this type of harness.
- car – used to ensure the safety of the dog while traveling. Putting your dog’s harness in the car is intuitive and quick, so you don’t stress your pet. This type of harness has fasteners that are attached to the car belt buckle.

How to put on a dog’s harness
Putting on the braces obviously depends on their construction. We must follow the instructions. While in theory, putting on a dog’s harness is not a particular challenge and does not seem to be complicated, because it is enough to follow the instructions, in practice it is often different – especially when the dog is mobile and unruly.
In such a situation, we can do nothing but patience and exercise. Certainly we should not be nervous, because our negative emotions will quickly spread to the dog. We can not do anything by force, because such behavior will frighten and discourage the dog. If he associates putting on the harness as an unpleasant procedure, then he will simply avoid it.
Let’s try to approach the dog calmly, encourage with a treat. If the dog is trained enough to react without problems to “sit” or “lie down”, it will certainly significantly facilitate the process of putting on the harness.